WatchTower Beach Safety IoT


This project was conducted during the Spring 2022 Semester at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in the Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT course. My team members and I were tasked with developing an IoT device that utilized a web API along with a raspberry pi and sensor kit. During our initial brainstorming process, we came to the conclusion that our design should focus on a local problem we face on our island. A major issue that we all found of high priority is beach and ocean safety.

There are a wide array of hazards when it comes to the ocean. These are a few statistics reported from the HI Ocean Safety website.

With that in mind, concluded that our solution should be an outdoor warning system for the many unattended beaches on Hawaii.


Our four man team was split into two sub-teams. One focused on the Beach Safety API and the other, which I was on, focused on the physical device build. We utilized the browser-based flow editor, NodeRed, to receive data from the public API and it’s specific information for beaches on different facing beaches on the island of O’ahu. The information would then be sent into a pi node which actuates a servo and LED that displays beach hazard conditions in real time.

Final Report